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Historical price from November 20, 2024 to February 21, 2025
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Date Opening High Low Close Volume Adjusted Closea
Recent 2 weeks
(10/02/2025 to 21/02/2025)
70 79 65 69 82 69
Previous 2 weeks
(22/01/2025 to 07/02/2025)
77 80 69 70 72 70
Previous 4 weeks
(19/12/2024 to 21/01/2025)
79 85 73 77 73 77
Daily Historical Data
21/02/2025 69 69 68 69 2,093,900 69
20/02/2025 69 70 68 68 1,402,500 68
19/02/2025 71 71 69 69 4,244,600 69
18/02/2025 73 73 70 71 5,387,900 71
17/02/2025 70 77 70 72 24,414,200 72
14/02/2025 70 71 69 70 4,091,300 70
13/02/2025 69 71 66 69 3,100,100 69
12/02/2025 66 79 66 68 27,645,500 68
11/02/2025 67 67 65 66 3,730,500 66
10/02/2025 70 70 66 67 6,376,900 67
07/02/2025 71 71 69 70 2,535,200 70
06/02/2025 73 73 70 71 3,522,800 71
05/02/2025 74 74 72 72 4,318,800 72
04/02/2025 74 77 73 74 10,236,200 74
03/02/2025 75 76 73 74 6,433,200 74
31/01/2025 75 76 74 75 2,895,900 75
30/01/2025 76 76 74 75 3,522,500 75
24/01/2025 77 78 76 76 2,429,400 76
23/01/2025 76 79 76 77 27,665,400 77
22/01/2025 77 80 74 76 8,850,500 76
21/01/2025 77 78 75 77 5,949,000 77
20/01/2025 78 79 76 77 2,666,000 77
17/01/2025 81 81 77 78 2,555,400 78
16/01/2025 78 81 78 81 3,642,500 81
15/01/2025 81 81 77 78 3,899,100 78
14/01/2025 76 85 75 80 18,634,000 80
13/01/2025 76 76 74 76 1,461,000 76
10/01/2025 75 76 74 76 1,834,600 76
09/01/2025 78 78 75 75 5,401,100 75
08/01/2025 78 80 77 78 951,300 78
07/01/2025 81 81 78 79 1,102,500 79
06/01/2025 82 82 79 80 1,658,600 80
03/01/2025 83 83 80 81 2,838,000 81
02/01/2025 78 84 77 83 6,466,800 83
30/12/2024 77 78 76 77 1,324,900 77
27/12/2024 78 79 76 77 2,887,600 77
24/12/2024 78 78 77 78 1,644,200 78
23/12/2024 78 79 76 77 1,714,200 77
20/12/2024 74 77 74 77 3,203,600 77
19/12/2024 79 79 73 74 3,201,600 74
18/12/2024 81 81 77 78 4,482,800 78
17/12/2024 83 83 79 80 5,952,400 80
16/12/2024 86 86 83 83 5,231,900 83
13/12/2024 88 89 86 86 2,625,700 86
12/12/2024 89 90 88 88 4,587,900 88
11/12/2024 89 91 88 89 9,921,500 89
10/12/2024 90 91 89 89 3,902,800 89
09/12/2024 91 92 90 90 6,176,000 90
06/12/2024 90 91 89 90 1,389,200 90
05/12/2024 92 92 89 90 6,180,100 90
04/12/2024 91 93 89 92 6,784,800 92
03/12/2024 91 94 91 91 3,934,100 91
02/12/2024 91 93 90 91 5,436,300 91
29/11/2024 92 92 89 91 2,827,100 91
28/11/2024 92 93 91 92 1,582,900 92
26/11/2024 93 94 91 92 5,309,900 92
25/11/2024 93 94 92 93 3,095,000 93
22/11/2024 93 95 93 93 4,712,400 93
21/11/2024 95 98 92 93 10,793,900 93
20/11/2024 90 105 90 95 41,386,600 95


a - Adjusted for corporate events to ensure the prices are always comparable across different periods. These events include:

  • Special Dividend
  • Dividend-In-Specie
  • Capital Reduction and Cash Distribution
  • Bonus Issue
  • Rights Issue/Preferential Offer/Open Offer
  • Share Split/Share Consolidation